Aum Amma

The Miraculous Manifestation of Aum

Aum—the sacred sound—has revealed itself through Paramatma Aum Amma in a way unlike any other sage or path before. In a world where spirituality is often entangled in commercialism, Paramatma Aum Amma stands apart—unbound by organizations, free from ashrams, and untouched by the pursuit of material gain. Paramatma Aum Amma is the living embodiment of the Supreme Truth, an eternal wellspring of divine wisdom, guiding souls with the purity of Presence, beyond the limitations of worldly structures.

The Self Effulgent Light- Swayambhu Jyothi.

Supreme Truth

Rare is the one who is the moment of Truth. No words, no practices, and no teaching—just a pure presence of silence.

Aum Amma embodies selflessness, radiating unconditional love, peace, and calmness, which draws devotees to her. Through her life, we learn the true essence of truth, righteousness, renunciation, and love. As the embodiment of a true Guru, Amma dispels the darkness of ignorance, with "Gu" meaning darkness and "Ru" meaning remover.

AUM 🕉️ denotes three great aspects of Paramatma.

  • A – denotes the power to create the Universe.
  • U – denotes the power to preserve the Universe.
  • M – denotes the power to dissolve the Universe.
  • Paramatma Aum Amma is the living manifestation of the Supreme truth. The eternal syllable, Aum, the most powerful mantra appears shining on Aum Ammaís forehead.
  • Aum is universal and symbolizes the formless aspect of the Paramatma. Aum represents both the unmanifest (nirguna) and manifest (saguna) aspects of Paramatma. Hence, often referred to as Pranava, it means that it pervades life and runs through our prana or breath.
  • This whole world is the symbol Of “Aum” 🕉️ . the past, the present, and the future, and that which is beyond (Paramatma) these three periods of time are also just ‘Aum“. – Mandukya Upanishad